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Non-Insured Services
Non-insured services are those services provided to patients that are not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). The Ministry covers all insured medically necessary services provided by physicians, however, it does not pay for services that are not medically necessary. These may include: writing sick notes, chart transfers or summary of your medical records, cosmetic procedures, charges for missed appointments, completing forms for insurance, licensing, legal or employment purposes, assessments and diagnostic tests required for completion of reports or licenses, pre-departure travel medicine services for travelling outside of Canada, or your health card is not valid.
Non-Insured Services
Copies of Medical Records - $30.00*
*Prices can vary based on format requested and document size.
Disability Tax Credit Certificate - $40.00
Driver's Medical - $150.00
Medical Record Transfer - $30.00
Pre-Employment Medical - $130.00
Workplace Notes - $20.00
Medical Treatments Not Covered by OHIP
Liquid nitrogen – wart removal per treatment - $10.00**
**Excludes treatments on feet and genitals.
Liquid nitrogen – minor skin lesion (non-cancerous) - $10.00
Surgical procedure – minor skin lesion, cosmetic (no sutures) - $20.00
Surgical procedure – minor skin lesion, cosmetic (sutures required) - $50.00
Injection requiring lidocaine - $5.00 per vial
This includes: joint injections, trigger finger injections, trigger point injections, etc.
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